Smart Data Acquisition with the syneris Web Capture Client
The Web Capture Client can be used for a wide variety of recording cases: accidents, near misses, audits, inspections, damage reports, incident reports, tasks, but also risk potentials and the like can be captured and managed within syneris.
This enables risk situations and sources of danger to be identified at an early stage and minimized or eliminated. All relevant data (such as photos, reports, measures, statistics, …) are automatically stored in syneris.
In case of an accident, data will be swiftly entered online by the person in charge . The accident data is entered in predefined fields, photos can be attached.
Subsequently a form for the local insurance is generated at the push of a button. The safety specialist is automatically informed and can further evaluate the accident, e.g. determine measures, analyze causes, re-evaluate or instruct and send an accident report at the push of a button. All data can be viewed in accident statistics.